Halinea, is kidnapped by a serial killer!
Gagged, tied up, in the saloon of a small sailboat facing very heavy weather, what does she have the most
fear, of the serial killer who rapes and kills or of the evil dodge
maintained that can sink at any time? To think of something else, to give herself courage and above all to find a way to save herself by means of the cruel ritual assassin's faults, she forces herself to control her fear and relive the tragic story since her entry on the scene.
Fear, suspense, humor and philosophical reflections intersect and intertwine in this captivating thriller that takes you from the first to the last page.
Teens and young adults will love “Hallali!” , a new investigation led with beating heart by Halinea, their favorite heroine.
The author Isabel Lavarec also takes advantage of this detective novel to deal with relations between generations, a theme more topical than ever.
A thriller with a double reading that echoes the concerns of young people
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Why not change the way teenagers look at them and help them see their elders differently?
The current Covid-19 pandemic has clearly shown how stigma and incomprehension can quickly return to gallop: we have pointed out the young people who distance themselves from barrier gestures, we have talked about confining only the seniors ...
However, rather than opposing each other, all populations have every interest in creating links, in learning to understand and speak to each other.
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“ The various generations are not necessarily enemies! In “Hallali!”, I suggest other avenues for teens to think about to show them that we are all complementary. Help, mutual aid, joys and happiness can be shared . "
Isabel Lavarec
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Hallali! is therefore both a fascinating thriller, which gives young readers a taste for reading thanks to an investigation full of adventures, but also an invitation to open up to others.

The 3rd part of Halinea's investigation notebooks
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In Hallali !, teens and young adults have the pleasure of finding all the elements that make the success of this series:
recurring characters: the heroine Halinea who investigates to confuse the serial killer, grandmother Mossa, Jacques the policeman and Caro the childhood friend;
the impossible love between Halinea and Kiero the gypsy: will it finally be able to express itself?
a book written in the first person, like a journal, for a real immersion in the investigation;
humorous projections which give relief to the novel.
In each episode, via thrillers with multiple twists, all the themes that closely affect adolescents are addressed: ostracism and racism (notebook 1), school phobia (notebook 2), and intergenerational conflict in this third installment. .
Roman thriller pour ados et jeunes adultes : Hallali
”Fists attached to the cleat of the fixed saloon table, I tried to stand out by straightening up, rearing up, nodding my head, banging against the wall of the central bench where my waist was tied. No one saw me, they continued to joke, to praise the fearless young man, who promised to brave the storm to bring back some fish.
I was terrified. In front of my helplessness and his duplicity, I boiled down and cursed myself. Why had I put myself in the mouth of the wolf? What could I expect from this monster? I continued my trying contortions as if to punish my idiocy. Once again, I tried to make myself heard by the people on the wharf. In vain.
Flexibly, the scavenger jumped aboard. An engine cough, the smell of diesel ...
" It is not possible ! I thought scared, he won't have the audacity? " Yes ! He had it.
Black smoke, a backfire, and we were off. Standing, bar still between his thighs, the perfidious saluted, laughed, joked on the fly with the neighbors of the quay. This concert of mockery, laughter and laughter of all kinds exasperated me. How could anyone be so hypocritical?
A slurry of air entered the cabin through the main opening. I was shivering with cold, pain, fear. "You are naive," the voice of my grandmother's detective echoed in my head.
By going to the port, I had known that I would be playing with fire. I was pretty sure he was the serial killer, but no one wanted to believe me. I had to prove it. Maybe, I was also hoping that I was wrong?
There, I had no more doubts. It was him, no more mistakes… ”
By the same author
The Halinéa series (Youth crime fiction)
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“It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice ”
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It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice is a detective romance, a linear, chronological story, where a theft leads by domino effect to a death.
Travelers are thieves and uneducated vagabonds? The gadje, racist and soulless sedentary people? Kiero, 15, future chieftain, no longer wants to rehash these fear-fueled stereotypes, he is diligent in class and has gadjé friends.
Only, when a gold brooch disappears in the condominium where he was playing with them, it is Kiero who is accused.
The young Gypsy has against him the owner of the brooch and a vindictive policeman: but at his side, he has Halinea, his friend, helped by his detective grandmother, and especially endowed with a weapon that has proven itself: the scientific method!

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
“The Stéphanie Affair: Halinea's Investigative Notebooks”
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
With “The Stéphanie Affair: Halinea's Investigative Book”, Isabel LAVAREC embarks her readers on a fascinating investigation led by the heroine. This thrilling detective story is also an opportunity to take an interest in and open the debate on a theme that closely affects adolescents: school phobia.
Stéphanie, a student has disappeared. A body is found in the nearby urban forest. An instruction is ordered.
On a school internship at the police station, Halinea, a budding detective, decides to conduct the investigation on the sly. Considering her a little too investigative, Brigadier-Chief Jacques moves her to a scientific laboratory and challenges her. She picks him up.
Helped by her tutors João and Séverine, for knowledge, and, of her friends Xavier and Caro for research, she passes the test brilliantly… which is not to the taste of some who sometimes react violently.
Despite the prohibitions and the dangers involved, will the protagonist succeed in confusing the culprit?
A corpse at the locker
(Historical polar for adults)
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This is an investigation that takes place just after the hecatomb of the war which led to loss of landmarks and trivialization of death. In a pictorial style not devoid of humor, this fiction inspired by a real fact, raises awareness of the importance of the human being and the need to give meaning to his life.
A disappearance, a corpse in a trunk. In a post-war patriarchal context, the wife of a wealthy merchant, a committed feminist, is the ideal culprit. But is it that simple?

Lili, the first woman of Vitruvius (fantastic novel awarded by the Arts & Lettres de France
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
“Lili, The First Woman of Vitruvius” is a fantastic story released in June 2020, where mystery, humor, poetry and philosophy collide and collide. Isabel Lavarec imagined a story of shadows that depart, reincarnate to lead the reader to escape and questioning.
This captivating fantasy novel combines evocations of nature, landscapes, and animals, which take shape in the reader's imagination ... These allusions have familiar connotations (sea, ponds, dunes, oyster park, hut, boat, tourist town) but always with hints of strangeness: places where one can get lost, with unknown names (Abalame).
“Lili, The First Woman of Vitruvius” holds the reader in suspense from the first to the last page. And throughout the story, very current questions are asked: is consciousness a production of the brain or is it extracorporeal? Is free will a reality or a utopia? Is the paranormal a decoy? Is the world only what we see? Can science explain everything?
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

About Isabel Lavarec, the author
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Isabel Lavarec is a committed feminist author, member of SGDL (society of men of letters), SOFIA, the charter of authors and illustrators for youth, LR2 (Occitanie), and ADA.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
She was a winner in the international literary competition organized by the arts and letters of France in 2019 and 2020 sections tales, short stories and novels.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Associate Professor of Life and Earth Sciences, Isabel Lavarec has taught in initial and continuing education for adults, in different places (high school, teacher training college, IUFM and university) and in different countries, departments and overseas territories (France, Algeria, Martinique, Tahiti). She was director of the Science department at the IUFM in Nice and departmental manager of the “main à la Pâte” action.
In retirement, she transmits her life experience through detective novels, fantasy novels, tales and short stories.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
At the same time, an actress in an amateur theater troupe, she learned the art of storytelling at the Mediterranean Oral Language Center (Cmlo) and the practice of interviews in ethnology with ethnologist Catherine Barrière.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Publication of numerous specific, educational and didactic science articles in several specialized journals.
Primary school textbook: “The discovery of the living world in a tropical environment”, published by NATHAN.
2005 and 2006
Primary school textbook: “Discover the living world (biology and transversal French) cycles 2 and 3 ″ - Direction of the authors and author. Published by SED editions.
Publication of Isabel's first detective novel for teenagers: “It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice” published by Oskar.
* Primary school textbook: “Questioning the living world, objects and matter in cycle 2 ″ - Direction of authors and authors. Published by SED editions.
Primary school textbook: “Design of the pedagogical model adopted for the creation of“ Science and Technology ”cycle 3 ″, published by SED editions.
* Publication of a historical detective novel for adults: “Un cadavre à la deposit”, Ex-Aequo editions
* Isabel is Lauréate des Arts et Lettres de France for the sections: Conte (“The symphony of happiness”), Nouvelle (“To take one's place nothing but one's place”) and Roman (“Lili the Vitruvian woman or crossed shadows”)
* Publication of a children's novel: “The Stéphanie case of Halinea's investigation notebook” published by Ex-Aequo.
* Isabel is Lauréate des Arts et Lettres de France for the new section with “Éclats de vie d'Olympia, la Sicilienne”
* She publishes the fantastic novel for adults “Lili the first woman of Vitruvius” by Encre-rouge editions, the manuscript of which is awarded by the Arts & Lettres de France.

On en parle
Un polar avec une double lecture qui fait écho aux préoccupations des jeunes
Pourquoi ne pas changer de regard sur les ados et les aider à considérer leurs aînés autrement ?
L’actuelle pandémie de Covid-19 a bien montré à quel point la stigmatisation et l’incompréhension peuvent revenir au galop : on a pointé du doigt les jeunes qui prenaient leurs distances par rapport aux gestes barrières, on a parlé de confiner uniquement les seniors…
Pourtant, plutôt que de s’opposer, toutes les populations ont tout intérêt à créer du lien, à apprendre à se comprendre et à se parler.
« Les diverses générations ne sont pas forcément ennemies ! Dans “Hallali !”, je suggère aux ados d’autres pistes de réflexion pour leur montrer que nous sommes tous complémentaires. Aide, entre’aide, joies et bonheurs peuvent être partagés. »
Isabel Lavarec
Hallali ! est donc à la fois un thriller passionnant, qui donne le goût de lire aux jeunes lecteurs grâce à une enquête pleine de péripéties, mais aussi une invitation à s’ouvrir aux autres.
Le 3ème volet des carnets d’enquête d’Halinea
Dans Hallali !, les ados et jeunes adultes ont le plaisir de retrouver tous les éléments qui font le succès de cette série :
des personnages récurrents : l’héroïne Halinea qui enquête pour confondre le tueur en série, la grand-mère Mossa, Jacques le policier et Caro l’amie d’enfance ;
l’amour impossible entre Halinea et Kiero le gitan : pourra-t-il enfin s’exprimer ?
un livre écrit à la première personne, comme un journal, pour une réelle immersion dans l’enquête ;
des saillies humoristiques qui donnent du relief au roman.
·RADIOS interview
Quelques critiques
Rainfolk's diaries
Partageons nos lectures ! Roman, Polar, Thriller, Nouvelles, BD, Jeunesse.
Hallali ! d'Isabel Lavarec, un thriller qui tient en haleine tous les ados et jeunes adultes
Par Bernie
Les ados et les jeunes adultes vont adorer "Hallali !", une nouvelle enquête menée tambour battant par Halinea, leur héroïne favorite.
vendredi 5 février 2021
La bibliothèque de Mathy
Carnet d'enquêtes d'Halinéa
vendredi 5 février 2021
Thriller pour ados : Hallali ! Carnet d'enquêtes d'Halinéa [Éditions Ex Aequo]
Aujourd'hui, je vous présente un thriller pour ados qui m'a agréablement surprise et qui a répondu à quelques-unes de mes attentes.
J'avais lu le résumé il y a quelque temps. Du coup, mon esprit s'est un peu mélangé à la réception du titre. Je pensais que l'histoire était centrée sur le dilemme que vivait l'ado entre : s'échapper d'un bateau en pleine mer ou se confronter avec le tueur en série qui la retenait prisonnière.
En réalité, Halinéa, l'adolescente, est effectivement coincée sur le bateau d'un tueur en série, mais elle va passer son temps à ressasser ce qui l'a amené jusqu'ici. Mais on peut supposer que cette technique lui permet de rester maître de ses émotions vu la situation dans laquelle elle est, et aussi, de comprendre et pouvoir réagir face au tueur.
Après, je me suis vite rendu compte de mon erreur (je ne relis jamais la quatrième avant de me lancer), on rentre très vite dans le sujet. C'est un point fort, les "chapitres" sont assez courts et la lecture très dynamique.
Halinéa est une vraie adolescente qui fonce tête baissée, qui peut parfois être insolente, qui vit intensément ses émotions et pourtant elle est aussi tellement attachante. Mossa, sa grand-mère l'est également. Cette dernière s'occupe de sa petite fille et l'implique dans ses enquêtes (d'autres tomes existent).
Dans celui-ci, il sera question de meurtre en série, d'usurpateur d'identité, de bourreau des cœurs, mais l'amitié et l'amour sont au rendez-vous également.
J'ai beaucoup aimé la relation de la grand-mère avec la jeune fille et le regard qu'elles ont l'une envers l'autre.
Mon avis :
une lecture dynamique et une enquête bien menée avec des personnages aux personnalités bien écrites. Je me suis laissée avoir par le caractère d'Halinéa et quasiment jusqu'au bout je n'ai pas vu le tueur en série arrivé. Une bonne lecture qui m'a bien plu. Enfin une enquête avec pas mal de personnages, mais qui sont liés entre eux, un scénario très intéressant. Un vrai puzzle avec un beau final.
Je n'avais pas prêté attention il me semble, mais la maison d'édition est Vosgiennes ;)
Merci à Isabel pour cette découverte et pour la dédicace.
« Écrire est un acte d'amour. S'il ne l'est pas, il n'est qu'écriture. » Jean Cocteau
Troisième volet du Carnet d’enquêtes d’Halinea – Hallali !, d’Isabel Lavarec met son héroïne adolescente aux prises avec un tueur en série. Dans cette histoire où elle joue gros, elle peut compter sur l’appui d’une grand-mère de compétition.
Banalement, cela pourrait commencer par « Halinea part en voilier ». Car d’emblée, la jeune fille se retrouve prisonnière en pleine mer et, par un jeu de flash-backs habiles, Isabel Lavarec fait revivre à son jeune lecteur les péripéties qui ont conduit la jeune fille sur cet esquif, mal entretenu et qui pourrait couler à tout instant. De fait, pour penser à autre chose, se donner du courage et surtout trouver le moyen de se sauver par le biais de failles de l’assassin au cruel rituel, Halinea se force à maîtriser sa frayeur et à revivre la tragique histoire depuis son entrée en scène… Le nouveau roman de l’auteure de polar épouse les méandres de sa mémoire.
L’astuce d’Isabel Lavarec, c’est d’avoir utilisé les codes du polar classique pour un public adolescent : meurtres il y a; meurtres il y a avec un certain sadisme dans le geste; meurtres il y a avec des suspects qui ne sont peut-être pas les bons… Et dans cet imbroglio, Halinea tente de mener sa barque en se méfiant des personnes qui l’entourent et des apparences, quitte à prendre tous les risques… en prime, Hallali ! s’interrogent aussi sur les rapports entre générations à travers les relations tendres, et parfois tendues, mais jamais placées sous le sceau de l’incompréhension, entre Halinea et sa grand-mère. Notamment quand celle-ci tombe amoureuse d’un homme dont le comportement ne semble pas très net. On a alors le sentiment que, pour Halinea, jouer sur la Carte du Tendre ne doit plus avoir lieu quand on a atteint un certain âge. Elle lui lance même à bout d’arguments : « Le comble! Tu en es amoureuse. Tu ne dois plus le revoir ! A ton âge, ce n’est pas sérieux ! »
Pour autant, et ce qui peut toucher les jeunes lecteurs, cette jeune fille est dotée d’un sacré courage et, même si elle doit affronter un tueur « aussi abominable que Zucco« cette lectrice assidue des Liaisons dangereuses n’est pas du genre à vivre à tempérament. Elle a l’enthousiasme de ses jeunes années.
Évoquant l’air de rien une forme de racisme – avec l’irruption de l’ami gitan de Halinea – Kiéro (Te Quiero ?) qui joue un rôle important dans la dernière partie du roman – cette histoire bien menée joue aussi avec les codes du roman à clé où le mysticisme mène la danse. Avec, au détour d’une page, une phrase nominale qui résume toute l’intrigue : « Dans un demi-sommeil, je divaguai. Tout se mélangeait, meurtres, violences, poursuites dans des sous-sols historiques, David, théâtre, footing, Kiéro, ombre qui filait dans une haie de fleurs. »
Une nouvelle enquête qui ne manque donc pas d’atout pour séduire un jeune lectorat.
(*)Ed. Ex Æquo
Nicole Laratte